We were recently blessed with a visit from local songstress Ka'Ra Kersey. While modeling Empress Vintage ceremonial spirit threads, Ka'Ra told us what the concept of empress means to her.

What the divine empress means to I is being the the reflection of jah's creation...being a walking living goddess, a fertile flower blossoming from the sun. A royal warrior queen! To love thyself unconditionally, healing and connected to our lands.

I embody the empresss in every day by being present with i mind body and soul... shifting with the #moon, and connecting with the 4 seasons.

My style relates to the divine feminine. Your clothes and what you wear are a true reflection of who you are. In afraka families unite by the way they dress. Watch on how your spirit feels when you begin to dress yourself in beauty. Wearing Afrakan garments, jewelry and colors represents my royalty ~ royalty that lives inside of all of us!

♀♀♀ ☽ ◯ ☾ ♀♀♀ The time is now to release my goddess. ♀♀♀ ☽ ◯ ☾ ♀♀♀

△△△△△ This way of Cosmic Dressing puts your life in divine order. △△△△△

Ka'Ra Kersey models {from top} Rainbow embroidered 1970's black maxi dress with bell sleeves & scarab 1970's pendant / Sage green floral print 1970's maxi dress & wild harvested sagebrush bundles / Egyptian painted caftan & King Tut / Orange 1970's dress with lace butterfly sleeves / 'African Fashions' caftan / Velvet rose 1990's tank dress with 1970's gold pendant ~~ {all clothing & jewelry Empress Vintage}
Find KA'RA KERSEY & her music HERE